Sunday, 12 October 2014

August 17 Alice Springs Running Festival

This was our sentimental run!  After all, 12 months ago, we were running our very first half marathon!
Similar to Broome, we have added a few days either side of the run to enjoy Australia's outback.

We stay out at the airport. Up early, and over to The Qantas terminal. We have direct flights and know in just a matter of hours, we will be in Alice Springs. 

We check I to our hotel room, and then go explore!

Sunset on our first night

The following day, we eat, sleep and watch some AFL. Darren is unaware his parents are in town and are going to suprise him tomorrow night for dinner. A few text messages to update them what we are doing, Darren is none the wiser. We are up early, but are happy that the start and finish line is right outside the hotel entry.

Before much of a wait, we are off. I see Darren in the distance and catch him, but before long, he is out of sight. It warms up fairly quickly, and before long I am into double digits. I am starting to feel a little funny, and there are no electrolytes on the track! Lucky for me I have my GU gel or I'm sure I would have passed out. The outback is not an easy run, and I am thankful when I reach the 19km mark. Only 2km to go! I talk myself into finishing strong, and before I know it, I see the finish line. It's not a great time, but I'd rather finish without a hospital admission!

I find the electrolytes and drink away! We go to the restaurant and eat buffet brekky!

Darren's breakfast

We spend the rest of the day relaxing!
In the afternoon, we attend the medal presentations and receive our medals!
Soon we need to get ready for dinner, and Darren has no idea his parents are about to suprise us!

Dinner with Darren's mum and dad

We spend the next few days seeing more of Alice Springs surrounds and spending time in the spa

Our time in Alice Springs is up. Time to pack up and recover for we have Ross in a couple of weeks time!

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