Sunday, 12 October 2014

August 3 Brisbane Marathon Festival without Darren!

Darren works every second Sunday, and sometimes the whole weekend, so I did this run with a friend.

The alarm is set for 4.45am. Thoughts go through my head once again....WHY??? Oh that's right, for the bling!! Seriously though, running is MY release, it's MY time, it's where I release all those feelings and emotions of working in a cancer hospital.

My normal routine begins, make the coffee, make my muscle igniter drink, lemon water and shower. I'm dressed and sip my coffee. I have to tape my foot for the first time, as a qualified sports trainer, I have taped thousands of times, never myself. I measure all the tape, then do the best I can, surprisingly, It feels pretty good. PLEASE don't get worse I pray.

It's a cool cruise walk down to the start line, and my thoughts come to this group, hoping to catch a glimpse of Amy, one of the girls from our online running group, before we start, and just like that, our paths cross! A quick selfie and I wish her luck!
The start is busy, lots of others to be mindful of, but I stick to the rear. I don't warm up, I never have. I love doing that in the first kilometre. The sights of Brisbane first thing in the morning as the sun is just starting to rise are gorgeous, and I stop and take some photos, yes, I stop. I love to enjoy the scenery every place I visit.

I can't hear my Runkeeper updates, just the playlist fades every kilometre, so I don't know how how I'm going, but feel pretty good. The story bridge is within sight, and before I know it, we are running over it, and again, I stop to the side to take in the scenery and take another gorgeous photos or 2!
I'm still feeling good. I take my GU gel out at the 7km mark and inhale it. Stay strong, stay strong, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8' stay strong, repeats in my mind. My foot is still feeling good and I am thankful. Before I know it, I hit the 10km mark, and am amazed how good I feel. After running a half just 2 weeks ago, I thought I'd struggle a bit, OK , a lot!

The 14km mark approaches and I pull out my second gel. I have never had 2, usually I have one at the 10km mark, but thought I'd try it today. I pass strangers who cheer me on by name, it's amazing how much it peps you up. The marathon leader passes me, and it get goosebumps from head to toe. They are amazing. I remind myself at this time that THIS body has grown and nurtured 3 babies, and not to compare myself to anyone, it's MY body and it will do what IT wants to do.

The last few kilometres, the sun is beating down and I wish I had my visor on. I hear Amy cheer me on, and cheer her right back. She looks great!! The area has great memories for me, I abseiled here for the first time, shared THE best 12 week body transformation party here, and I start thinking of each of those girls once again as I am coming into my final kilometre. You've got this girl!!

I see the finish line, and give it every last bit as I cross the finish line. I stop Runkeeper, and head to the line for water, after receiving my medal. I don't realise the notification on the screen tells me that I have completed my longest distance in the shortest time, the sun is glaring on my screen. I get water, banana and a couple of muffins and go find my friend. My legs are feeling a little sore, my foot feels ok, but MAN am I hungry. I scoff the food and drink and we do the walk back to room. With a plane to catch, there isn't much time to waste.

It is at this moment I realise I did a PB, I did a PB!!! Tears come to my eyes. I whisper to myself, you go girl, and smile, and then the tears fall. Running is so emotional, but I love it.

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